Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
the web we weave

(photography[jakarta], photoshop cs)
look up and see the wicked web we weave to hold ourselves down...
the web that is too high expectations, too much promises, too little time, not enough of everything that we want/need... taken away, given up, forsaken... refused, regurgitated, reused...
year end are always dreary in my diary, its automatically a reflection time, an auto recap, whether i want it or not... nothing hits you harder than a 10-ton 18-wheeler barreling at you at 125kmph on the expressway... an expressway called life and a 10-ton 18-wheeler called LABTYD...
i wish someone/something could rewind me back 10 years... and let me make everything right or almost right... cos' now it's downhill all the way, and the brakes ain't working at all...
Track Of The Day: Mercury Rev - Holes
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
i found you, i found you not
monday, november 21st, 2005... i guess shouldn't say hi eh? i don't want you to run again... took me so long to find you...
i'm happy being a spectator, i'm happy that you're doing well and i'm happy that you found someone to take care of you in my absence... maybe one day i would approach you, say hi and brace myself for your reactions...
then again, maybe not...
all the best, and may you be the superstardeejaylawyer that you aspire to be...
Track Of The Day: The Seahorses - Love Me And Leave Me
Monday, November 14, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
bisa saja
widya quoted, " Bisa saja kau dan dia menikmatinya buat seketika, walaupun cinta bukan dasarnya... ia ikatan kasih sementara, hanya karena saling kesepian, keperluan manja dan memuja... but it does feel good doesn't it? there can never be enough love... or people wanting to love you, just as long as you know it doesn't go beyond a point... we are all only human after all..."
thanks widdy...
Track Of The Day: Gigi - Bisa Saja
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
everyday i love you less and less

(photography[self, guitar and sofa], photoshop cs)
it was a good week's break from the grind... now, we're all back to the stone again *sighs* holidays go by faster when you're having a ball...
drop kick suzy said i drop too much bombs, emotional ones... i guess i agree with her... she said something to the lines of: people that lives in sealed space colonies should not throw hi-fragmentation grenades... *laughs* gamer analogies do make sense sometimes...
stop being nice... stop sending vibes.. stop being flirty... stop blurring the lines..., she says *sighs*
that's only providing that those that kena your emo bombs don't know how to differentiate things, she said... you can still be nice to me, you are not you if you're not flirty, she added with a smirk... WTF! sheesh, yea yea yea *laughs*
trashed the house gate and bust a tyre in a hurry yesterday... parents dropped their own bomb about our family problems... knnccb, the mother of all bad luck and fucked up timing, AGH!
currently hitting the low periods, the negative dip in the sine wave... kaiser chief's song sums up my emotions perfectly... frost out *bleah*
Track Of The Day - Kaiser Chief's - Everyday I Love You Less And Less