Saturday, March 25, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
bangkoktripping: suan lum

(photography[suan lum night market], photoshop cs)
suan lum night market... an alternative to chatuchak, if you missed chatuchak... Since its only up on sunday, every week... prices are slightly higher but the surroundings are much cleaner and comfortable compared to the chatuchak...
one of the main attraction of suan lum is the multi piece live band of around 20 members. they're versatile, as in music styles... switching members and songs with clockwork precision for hours...
Track Of The Day: Skrubb - Klai
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
bangkoktripping:chatuchak raiders

(photography[me+the gang], photoshop cs)
chatuchak sunday market... for someone like me that abhors shopping, this place pretty much rocks... good food, cool clothes and interior decor items, electronics etc etc... you name it, this place has it all... saw lotsa stuff with high marketability back in kl here and cheap as heck to boot... the chinese businessman mode in me kicking in... lol!~
now if only i could find a way to ship back that old school brown leather couch and the rice paper stand lamp for my room... *ponders*
Track Of The Day: Moderndog - Tar Sawang
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
bangkoktripping:foreign dawn

(photography[self], photoshop cs)
same dawn, different city... buildings arranged differently... huge highways and huge jams that dwarves local ones... signboards in a foreign language... local bands on mtv that sounds suprisingly good...
well it definitely feels good to be in a foreign city... maybe it's the holiday mood: waking up seeing all your colleagues perky and zesty; waiting to conquer another wat, go for a long massage session(sans *cough*happyending*cough* =P) or go for a shopping spree in one of bangkok's many malls... good cheap food and polite people everywhere you go... i could come back here again, that's for sure...
waking up remembering promises of stealing away from life's routine to go on a phuket for two adventure... flying from two different depatures to meet in the same foreign destination... premature plans, broken promises...
i wonder how would it be like... and i think i like it that i'm not giving myself hope anymore...
Track Of The Day: P.O.D - Goodbye For Now